Monday, December 04, 2006

Another day in a beautiful life

I haven't posted in sometime. I have been hibernating or something. Okay, really, I have been very sad and I tend to withdraw from everyone except Paul when that happens. I couldn't figure out why I was so very sad. I tried to remember this time last year and I can't. I ran our group's Adopt-A-Family program. I don't remember it. Nick just told me I did a great job but I don't remember it. I remember little more than sadness, stress and more sadness. I miss her still.

We had a great Thanksgiving with my family in Colorado. The weather was perfect. My niece and nephew played and played and played with me. I lost at Pretty, Pretty Princess again! :-) The black ring is evil, evil I tell you. The adults played poker, told jokes and laughed. It was a good Thanksgiving.

I have seen the hand specialist now. Turns out most of the doctors were partially right in some regard or another. I have broken off a bone spur which is probably my biggest point of pain. I have degenerative arthritis in the thumb joint. I have an aggravated and swollen muscle. So, what to do? We tried the last conservative measure which was a cortisone shot into my thumb. I am in a splint molded to my hand. I go back in six weeks. We are probably going to have to have surgery to have that broken spur removed or I will always be in pain. They may also need to try and clean up the joint and remove some of the inflammation. Oh well. God will take care of it.

We are decorated for Christmas. We had a nice visit from Will, Karyn, Caleb, Luke and Zack. Life is good. The depression remains my biggest trial but I will get through it and over it because life is good.

Love to all.


At 8:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talked with "birthday" Will last night and he told me they had visited - finally. Don't let "SAD" get you down. Turn up the lights.

At 7:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they brought the gifts we sent along with them, you can open before Christmas. Might help with the decorations :)


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