As if Tickle really knows...
Silly, silly readers. We all know that Father-san is the wisest man we know. At least, I think of him as so. He knows so much more than I will ever know. He has seen more than I think I will ever see. And he has a way with words and feelings that I can't describe. Tickle can't capture that in an online test.All is pretty quiet here. The transition into my new position is going slower than I would like. It seems as if extricating myself from a group I have been with for over three years is going to be harder than I anticipated. I will miss my old manager. She and I have a special relationship. We know each other so well. Change is hard. I know it is for the best but it is hard.
I have been fairly melancholy the last few days. I found a picture of my grandfather as we were hanging pictures. It is a picture of him when he was very young, long before I was a thought in his mind. I realized just how much I miss him in my life. I still want to pick up the phone and call him. Five years since he died and yesterday it felt like five days. He was my greatest hero, the greatest influence and a veteran. He fought in WWII in the European theatre. He landed on the beaches of Normandy. He survived and lived to tell me stories, all good ones. And as I mourned his loss again, I mourned the loss of everyone. There are no tears, just a wish that I could spend even 5 more minutes with them, to tell them again how much I loved them.
When I was 25, a friend named Ralph died of cancer on Election Day. His funeral was on Veteran's Day. As we were moving, I found a note he had written to me in the middle of the fight he would lose. It said, "May every day bring you flowers." It meant so much at the time it was written. To see it again was a reminder of a kind and gentle soul.
To you all, may every day bring you flowers.
Yes! IQ numbers are good conversation over coffee. But a life lived in courage and grace, serving man and G-d with equal commitment and concern are way beyond numbers. Those are the things toasted best with very good wine.
The comment about May every day bring you flowers made me thing of April showers bring May flowers, so do tears
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