Monday, April 17, 2006

Wow! What an Easter break!

The most I can say is "He is Risen, Christ is risen indeed."

I took time off of work on Thursday and Friday. Thursday was a completely terrific day until about 3:30. I got up late, met Christy for lunch and then we went shopping at the new Kohl's. I hit the jackpot. Now I need to win the lottery to cover my jackpot. Seriously, I had a great time shopping and I usually hate it. Still no shoes but I did buy something else I needed. And I bought many things I didn't need but wanted.

I went to the doctor at 3:30 so he could run some special x-rays. They didn't get run until after 5:00. He managed to bruise my knee real good in getting the pictures he wanted. He knows there is a problem but he is having trouble finding the root cause. I was glad to have the pictures done but not real happy about the ensuing pain.

Good Friday morning was spent with Paul at the doctor's office as well as a visit to Kohl's and then to Starbucks in between visits. Paul gets to have a sleep study done. I hope they can do something about his snoring. If he stops snoring, I might even get some sleep. :-)

Saturday and Sunday were relatively lazy days. I went to the gym on Saturday for a good swim and a dip in the hot tub. Before that, Paul and I both received a much needed hair cut. Sunday was hard as we remembered those that we had lost yet rejoiced in the knowledge that Christ is risen. Our sins are forgiven. I believe that God held us all in his arms this Easter with Dad in the center of the love. The roses were beautiful. It reminds me of an old blessing we used to sing at church:

May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be at your back
May the sun shine plainly in your face
And until we meet again
Until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of His hands.

I trust that all of you are in his hands, under his protection, surrounded by his love.


At 9:21 AM , Blogger jcurmudge said...

I deeply love your love.



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