Monday, February 25, 2008

Tagged again but this time for music...

What if you had a $100 gift card to the music store of your choice, what would you buy??

Well, see, I almost have $100 at Amazon.

Awake by Josh Groban (9.99)
Noel by Josh Groban (9.99)
James Taylor Live by James Taylor (22.99)
A Love Song Collection by Kenny Rogers (14.99)
Almost There by Mercy Me (9.99)
Celtic Reflections: Misty-Eyed Morning by John Whelan (?)

That's all for now. I would have to save the rest.

I tag Ken, Father-san, nephews Chris and Nathan, David, Annie and Pete.


The Rules:
-Pick up the nearest book of 123 pages or more. (No cheating!)
Find Page 123.
Find the first 5 sentences.
Post the next 3 sentences.
Tag 5 people.

So the closest book is The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman.
Page 123.

"But this actually stimulates American exports. There is a variety of studies indicating that every dollar a company invests overseas in an offshore factory yields additional exports for its home country, because roughly one-third of global trade today is within multi-national companies. It works the other way as well."

Well, that is entertaining if you know what he is talking about.

So, it is my turn to tag:
I tag nephew Chris, brother-in-law Pete, sister-in-law Annie, Father-san and my husband, if he would just get a blog already.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It has been FOREVER

I can't believe it has been so long since I last blogged. I know part of it has to do with my hand. I had hand surgery in December to fix my arthritic thumb so that I could use it again. The receovery has been very slow. I have been under severe typing restrictions and have not been able to do anything but my job for some time. It makes blogging a nightmare. Work hasn't been a piece of cake either though. We are in the busy season for human resources at Intel. I have been under a lot of stress.

The conference that I worked on for 8 months finally came to an end the last week of January. It went very well and we received very high marks from the surveys. At Intel, we survey just about everything. We even survey surveys. It is a little bit nuts. At any rate, our senior leaders were happy and I had the chance to meet with most of them over the two days.

Focal is in full swing. You may remember that Focal is what we call the annual performance review process at Intel. Employees are rated and given raises based on their performance. We do the entire company at one time. You can imagine that it causes just a bit of work for HR.

My friend, Christy, who has a very rare form of cancer is not doing well. I pray for her, think about her and wish I could do something to make her better. It is so frustrating to sit by and watch as your best friend is losing the battle against this awful disease. She has kept positive throughout the ordeal but it is wearing on her. I don't know what to do and I feel frustrated and helpless.

Sorry to have missed David's wedding. The busy season means no travel for us. It sounds like a good time was had by all. It would have been nice to see the family again. Speaking of seeing people, I am planning my sabbatical that comes this year. That's right. I get two months of paid time off to just recharge the batteries. I think there may be some travel in my future this fall.

Well, I better get back to work.

Love to all.