Saturday, April 22, 2006

It was a very busy week

It was an extremely busy week this past week. We routinely did not get home until around 8:00. Then, I had to go to California on travel Thursday and Friday. I got home about 10:00 last night. It was a great business trip but I was tired, in pain and had two very swollen legs.

While I was gone, Dr. Tennant's office called. He wants to run a couple of more tests before he sees me again. So I will call on Monday and see what those tests are and get them scheduled. He is a very good doctor who is very frustrated right now. He wants the pain to end so I can get back to a normal life and he just can't figure out why I am in so much pain. Please pray that God grants him the insight to see what is troubling me.

I didn't make it to the gym today. I slept until 11:00 since I hadn't slept on Wednesday or Thursday night. I woke up with a migraine. I got out of bed, took some medicine had some breakfast and was then back in bed asleep until 3:00. I only got out of bed because Brandon and Katie are coming over for dinner.

Paul washed the car and weeded the garden today. The car looks great and the garden looks even better.

My new workout clothes came in the mail today. 2 pair of pants for yoga, black and gray and 2 shirts, 1 pink, 1 purple. I am styling now and can't wait for the yoga classes to begin at the gym. :-)

Well, our guests are here. There is a cake that needs some frosting applied.

Love to all.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Wow! What an Easter break!

The most I can say is "He is Risen, Christ is risen indeed."

I took time off of work on Thursday and Friday. Thursday was a completely terrific day until about 3:30. I got up late, met Christy for lunch and then we went shopping at the new Kohl's. I hit the jackpot. Now I need to win the lottery to cover my jackpot. Seriously, I had a great time shopping and I usually hate it. Still no shoes but I did buy something else I needed. And I bought many things I didn't need but wanted.

I went to the doctor at 3:30 so he could run some special x-rays. They didn't get run until after 5:00. He managed to bruise my knee real good in getting the pictures he wanted. He knows there is a problem but he is having trouble finding the root cause. I was glad to have the pictures done but not real happy about the ensuing pain.

Good Friday morning was spent with Paul at the doctor's office as well as a visit to Kohl's and then to Starbucks in between visits. Paul gets to have a sleep study done. I hope they can do something about his snoring. If he stops snoring, I might even get some sleep. :-)

Saturday and Sunday were relatively lazy days. I went to the gym on Saturday for a good swim and a dip in the hot tub. Before that, Paul and I both received a much needed hair cut. Sunday was hard as we remembered those that we had lost yet rejoiced in the knowledge that Christ is risen. Our sins are forgiven. I believe that God held us all in his arms this Easter with Dad in the center of the love. The roses were beautiful. It reminds me of an old blessing we used to sing at church:

May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be at your back
May the sun shine plainly in your face
And until we meet again
Until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of His hands.

I trust that all of you are in his hands, under his protection, surrounded by his love.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Paul and his nose

Well, it was a rough weekend for Paul and his nose. He slept off and on most of the weekend. His nose was all bruised, packed with cotton (formally known as the nose tampon) and running. We went to see the ENT doc yesterday. Wow! Not only was he thorough and very good, he was cute too! Even Paul said he was cute!

So, the doctor ended up having to cauterize his nose both chemically and thermally. Blech is all I have to say about it. Paul was very brave considering the pain they were putting him through. The doc gave him some pain medicine and told me to go out and buy some Afrin as well. I have to take him back to the doctor on Friday.

I also received a phone call about my visit with Dr Tennant, my orthopedic surgeon. Apparently they have this new machine downstairs that they want to use to image my knee to see if we can get a clear picture of what is happening with it. It still has a bruise from the accident in December as well as being extremely painful to the touch. He moved my appointment up to this week. I will have to let you know how it goes.

Otherwise, all is well with the Paul Taylor family in Oregon. Nothing has happened that won't pass with time. God is with us and holding us when we need it.

Love to all.

Oh and no shoe update. I haven't gone shopping yet. I decided I will wait until I feel the urge or need to get on the gym's equipment. The pool is working out just fine now.

Friday, April 07, 2006

A second Thursday night in the ER

And this time it wasn't because of me. Last week, I was in the ER on Thursday for a migraine. This week, it was Paul. We had gone to the gym so I could get in the pool and experience another pain-free hour of exercise and relaxation. Paul comes out and gets in the pool and I notice that he has a nose bleed. He leaves the pool and goes back in the locker room. I start stretching and swimming. He still hasn't come out. When he finally does, it is to say we need to go because he can't get it to stop.

So, off we go. We first went to Urgent Care in my attempt to save Intel some money. They tried packing it there but he just kept bleeding. This is no small amount of blood either. He is gushing it everywhere. They tell us to go to the ER. He keeps gushing blood. (Yes, I have thrown that towel away.) Paul bled for over 2 and a half hours before they could get it under control. The ER doc had to pack it again and it finally stopped. We got home around 11.

So, Paul is at home today, hopefully getting the rest and fluids that he needs. He is on some antibiotics to keep from getting a staph infection. He says the ENT doc on Monday to have the packing removed. He also needs to see his regular doc because his blood pressure is elevated.

I say that we have had enough of that ER. This is the third visit in 5 weeks for us. Two migraines and a nose bleed and a lot of pain for both of us. I just don't know when this cycle of weirdness is going to end for us. It has been costly and emotionally draining. I feel like it will never stop at this rate.

Well, I better get back to work. Keep praying for us that this cycle stops soon.

Love to all.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Shoes, shoes, shoes

So, eight years of wearing strictly Birkenstocks unless an event required otherwise, I have to buy shoes. I also have to buy a cute gym outfit so I look like I am an old timer at being at the gym.

So, how do you buy shoes when you have no idea what size shoes you wear? The last time I tried on a pair of shoes, my feet protested immediately. I don't even know where to begin with the shoes. I do not have nice slender feet. I have huge feet. My feet are bigger than Paul's. I am not allowed to wear his socks because I stretch them out.

And I want cute shoes, purple preferably. What brand is best? Do I need running shoes for the gym? I can guarantee there will be no running done by me. That activity is still out due to the knees. So, will walking shoes work or do I need tennis shoes? And do my gym clothes need to match my shoes and socks. Can you tell I am stressing about stupid things now?

I started wearing Birkenstocks at my doctor's request. Since I started wearing them, I no longer have problems with heel pain. I am afraid of wearing different shoes and bringing that pain back on. I hate being in pain when I walk. I have done enough of that this lifetime.

So, I need advice on brand, color and type of shoes. Fire away!

Tortilla Stack-Ups

Dad wanted the recipe so I thought I would post. They were a big hit at the party and I am lucky I made two batches since the kids gobbled them up like they were never going to get food again. Katie, Brandon's girlfriend, and Liz made the guacamole and did one terrific job. I prepped the stack-ups and then had Paul and the kids do the rest of the work. Delegation rocks!

Tortilla Stack-ups

8 soft tortilla wraps - size depends on the size of your round cake pans. I use the large ones.
4 cups shredded cheese - I use the Colby Chedder mix
1 pound meat - your choice - I use hamburger
1 pkg Taco seasoning mix - You can get any flavor or use fajita mix or whatever floats your boat
Water (see the taco seasoning mix package for how much)
1 small can chopped green chilis

Preheat oven to 400.
Brown meat in skillet. Add seasoning mix and follow directions on package
You need two round cake pans - I use non-stick but you can use another and just spray with Pam
Put a tortilla in the bottom of the each cake pan.
Put 1/4 meat mixture in each pan.
Sprinkle on cheese.
Put in another tortilla in each pan.
Put 1/4 meat mixture in each pan.
Sprinkle on cheese.
Put in another tortilla.
Put half green chilis in each pan.
Sprinkle with cheese.
Put in another tortilla.
Spray top with Pam (it will brown lightly).
Cook for 20 minutes.
Cut and serve.

You can serve with lettuce, chopped tomatoes, sour cream, guacamole or sliced avocados, refried beans, and salsa.

It makes enough for leftovers!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The sun came out to play

What a rare treat in Oregon at this time of year! The sun came out to play and to warm us up into the 60's. It is almost too good to be true. And since we have started the accursed Daylight Savings Time, we might get to enjoy part of the day after work.

Speaking of after work, our gym finally opened which means I have to buy some shoes I can wear on the equipment in the gym. Of course, I plan on spending most of my time in the pool or in the spa. The pool will let me exercise and stretch with less pain impact. Then, the spa helps heat the muscles through to promote relaxation. Paul and I were good and planned a trip to the gym yesterday for some pool time only to find that the pool and spa are not open yet. I had been looking forward to it all day. I am not looking forward to it today so maybe they will be open.

It occurs to me that I have worn only Birkenstocks for the last 8 years. I have boots to wear in inclement weather but I usually don't even wear those unless some sort of snow is involved. So, how does someone who has only worn Birkenstocks for 8 years go about finding tennis shoes to wear to the gym. I don't even know where to start. Nothing is going to feel as good as my Birkenstocks and Birkenstock doesn't make tennis shoes. Oh no, now I know I also need work out clothes for those times I venture to the equipment in the gym. This gym thing is going to get costly.

My lifestyle coach, provided to me through a pilot program at Intel, will be glad to hear that the gym is open. I can't wait to tell her. She calls me every three weeks to discuss the goals we have set for the last three weeks. Exercising is one of the goals I have on my list. It really is exciting to have someone to work with me through the first 5 months of this lifestyle change. Now, if I can only get a handle on my food issues, all will be well. Yes, I have food issues. That's what therapy is supposed to be helping.

As for the depression, it is still there because the pain is still here. But I am finding ways to lift myself out of the depths again. CS Lewis is really good for that. I get so excited reading his books.